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Business Communication Skills
Daniela Cecic Mladinic
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018
Business Communication Skills is a text book published in 2013 by Maria Esther Rodriguez Gil and Daniela Cecic as authors. The book was envisioned to be used in Business related subjects and as a self-study book. The book offers 6 chapters about Business English: application forms, e-mails, negotiations, CV and cover letter and presentations. It contains readings, exercises and keys. Each chapter has an original reading text adapted for the B1-B2 level purposes. In 2018 it was decided to change and update the information due to some feedback received by the readers. Instead of application forms, we are going to introduce how to make a video CVs and one subchapter related to the use of social media such as LinkedIn in order to find a job. The changes are in process and will be presented at this conference for the first time.
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Effective Business Communication Skills for Professional Excellence
Dr. Rashmi Gupta
IJELLH, International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities, UGC approved journal list (Serial No.43979), indexed with GOOGLE Scholar, Academia and Crossref,, 2019
Effective Business Communication Skills for Professional Excellence "Communication is a skill that you can learn. It is like riding a bicycle or typing. If you are willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life."-Brian Tracy Abstract: Communication is a general phenomenon. Wherever life exists, communication also exists. You cannot have human relations without communication. However, good and effective communication is essential not only for good human relations but also for an excellent and successful business. If we talk about the professional world, what Professionals do more than anything else is communication-with different types of people and above all with their own staff. English is the most frequently utilized language in the professional world and preferred business language. Not being competent in English does not mean that one will not succeed in the professional area, but having adequate knowledge of the language and the expertise needed for one's job will definitely help to climb the success ladder. Effective Communication has become one of the ways of getting successful at the workplace not only for all business managers and team leaders but for every professional. Effective business communication can foster strong partnerships, promote products or services, as well as relay information within a particular organization. It is an essential component of manager-employee relations.
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Mastering Effective Communication: A Gate-way to Professional Development
Diptiranjan Maharana
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2019
The ability to communicate effectively is necessary to carry out the thoughts and visions of an organization to the people. The importance of speech and words whether through a paper or a voice is a communication medium to convey directions and provide synchronization. Without communication, there is no way to express thoughts, ideas and feelings. Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success whether it is at the interpersonal, intergroup, intragroup, organizational, or external levels.
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In this paper we are trying to ascertain whether Business Communication is more of a science or more of an art so that the learning resources can be designed as per that conclusion and variation. We analyze the general premise that while science aspects provides a context and foundation, but operating in it for optimum results is a skill to be honed and almost reaches the state of art. We also discuss the challenges in imparting Business communication skills by teachers and managers, where their target audience can vary in composition, motivations and backgrounds. We also see how these challenges can be turned into an opportunity for better communication learning environment. As we advance, the argument starts weighing in favour of science as we list out the building blocks and variables of the communication skills as a field, and how a concentrated and focused improvement on each or most of these variables can, to a very high degree of certainty, result in enhanced communication skills of the candidate who can be readied to face 90% of foreseeable situations. However for exceptional skills, the art form has to be resorted to. Key words: communication skills, business communication, art component, science
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Business Communication Self-Learning Material
Ketansinh Gadaria
After perusing this unit, students should be able to:
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Abstract: In this paper we are trying to ascertain whether Business Communication is more of a science or more of an art so that the learning resources can be designed as per that conclusion and variation. We analyze the general premise that while science aspects provides a context and foundation, but operating in it for optimum results is a skill to be honed and almost reaches the state of art. We also discuss the challenges in imparting Business communication skills by teachers and managers, where their target audience can vary in composition, motivations and backgrounds. We also see how these challenges can be turned into an opportunity for better communication learning environment. As we advance, the argument starts weighing in favour of science as we list out the building blocks and variables of the communication skills as a field, and how a concentrated and focused improvement on each or most of these variables can, to a very high degree of certainty, result in enhanced communication skills of the candidate who can be readied to face 90% of foreseeable situations. However for exceptional skills, the art form has to be resorted to. Key words: communication skills, business communication, art component, science component, learning communication skills
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Ramzi Mohamed
Importance of communication has always been realized in all times because it is the most vital means by which people are connected together in society. However, today communication plays a crucial role in almost all aspects of life. Work in business, government or organizations are impossible without communication. People have to communicate with each other, exchange information, make decisions and talk about innovations. Management is a complex practice of communicating with other people. In an age when the business environment is turbulent in terms of competition, new technologies political instability, workforce diversity, the need for good communication skills is being increasingly felt by mangers at all levels.
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Communications: A lesson (that can be taught in any discipline)
Bruce M Mackh, PhD
Receiver • The person with whom the sender wants to communicate is the receiver. • To understand the sender's message, the receiver must be able to decode and interpret the message. What Communication Skills Do You Need and Why Do You Need Them? Communication Skills • Engaged listening • Clear, accurate, and effective speaking • Non-verbal communication • Proficient writing • Tailoring your message to your audience How to Be an Engaged Listener 1. Focus fully on the speaker. Do not give in to distractions. Keep your phone out of sight. Don't glance at the clock. 2. If possible, position yourself so your right ear is facing the speaker. This works with your natural brain processes to help you better perceive the emotional nuances of the conversation because it increases your ability to perceive higher frequencies of human speech containing emotion. 3. Pay attention to nonverbal cues: expression, gestures, body language, tone of voice. These give emotional context to what the other person is saying. 4. Use your metacognitive skills. Notice if you're losing your focus and redirect your attention to what the person is saying. Try repeating their main points to yourself in your head as they speak. 5. Don't interrupt or redirect the conversation to your own concerns or interests. Nod or smile occasionally. Keep your eyes on the speaker. Encourage them to continue with small responses that indicate you're listening.
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sulaiman safi
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communication skills
Abednego Godfrey
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